![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:39 • Filed to: None | ![]() | ![]() |
I just found out a certain state will no longer require safety inspections starting 2018. It happened in may I guess but I just found out. Which state?
This isn’t going to end well.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:44 |
Michigan has neither safety or emissions inspections, we live, it’ll be fine.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:45 |
Be prepared for cars with any number of side mirrors less than two, cars with any number of brake lights less than zero, and tires with any number of visible wear bars less than one.
CO doesn’t do safety inspections but emissions testings are crazy stringent. From this, I gather that CO is ok with you killing yourself or other motorists as long as you’re not killing the environment.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:47 |
But think of how much traction that thing would have!
Florida already doesn’t have inspections. Are you surprised?
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:47 |
Uh, so I have so many questions:
1. Does it do wheelies on bumps?
2. How does the trailer not impact the car on every turn?
3. How is that goose neck not just going to splinter off and cause fiery death?
4. If you’re going to go crazy dangerous, why not double down and get some weight distribution going on?
5. What’s the tow capacity of a Blazer again?
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I do see some pretty frightening things on the roads from time to time though...
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Tongue weight, how does it work?
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That block of wood is my favorite thing of the day.
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At least they are color matched.
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Remember when cars only came with one mirror from the factory?
I fondly remember seeing a press photo of a ‘91 Cavalier with only one mirror.
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I guess stupidity will be its own reward.
I hope there are no kids in the back when that thing goes.
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well, just so long as you don’t have to steer.
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All good questions that only a few unlucky souls will ever know.
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Lots of work went into that, but no thought.
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points for style I suppose.
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That gooseneck’s placement way behind the axle bothers me more than the way they have the mounting rigged up. Horrifying.
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I bet they’re headed to the BYU game in Houston as well.
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You lived to tell the tale though. Hell, the roads are more dangerous than the cars around you.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:57 |
Can somebody please explain to me how a first world country like the US can still have laws in many states that DON’T require safety inspections? This seems like the stupidest idea in the world to me...
Yes, I can get that people have the right to choose to drive a vehicle in crap shape, but when I’m driving down the highway at 60mph and the back half of some guy’s pickup rips off from rusted through frame rails / wheel flies off because it’s being held on by one lugnut / etc because no safety inspections and it collides with my car / flies through my windshield / hits the little girl walking her dog and kills me / her / etc...how the hell do you NOT have safety inspections?
Pretty sure every province here in Canada requires them at least once every second year, minimum!
![]() 08/28/2017 at 11:57 |
To be fair most laws only require a rear view and one side mirror.
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Its a bad deal all around, but it passes emissions so its good to go according to the state.
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They may be pointed south, but they are headed nowhere .
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:00 |
“Uh hello boss.”
“I’m sorry I can’t make it to work todayt I have to watch the impeding doom about to befall on this Chevy Blazer trying to tow a fifth wheel from the tailgate.”
“No problem, see you tomorrow.”
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:00 |
Too bad. That paint job is sex.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:01 |
I don’t understand either thats for sure. I just don’t get who was asking for this? no one is who. And why would a state give up 25 mil in revenue that also has a positive impact of public safety? its mind boggling.
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Just like the Cougars this season [ba dum tish]
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“no problem, see you tomorrow?”
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Safety 3rd, sexy 1st
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as a Utah alum and the husband of a BYU alum...I approve of this message.
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![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:05 |
No regular inspection required for passenger vehicles here in QC.
And when I was in Alberta, there was none of that either. When purchasing a vehicle older than X years, there was a mandatory inspection IIRC, but you’d get one anyways regardless because you normally can’t even get insurance without an inspection, even on newer cars.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:05 |
“ wheel flies off because it’s being held on by one lugnut /”
Are only certified safety inspectors allowed to change your tires/brakes/wheel bearings/anything else the tire has to come off for where you live?
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:07 |
Because Freedom? You can’t be free if your government asks you to take reasonable measures to ensure public safety with your private vehicle! Right?
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Wow! Really? Surprised Quebec doesn’t....still surprised, but not quite as surprised that Alberta doesn’t...
Still ridiculous on both counts that it’s not a thing! They were mandatory here once a year in NS up until a few years ago, but it’s every second year now! Mine is due in November for the Accent...
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:12 |
A rear view and a DRIVER’s side mirror.
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A rear view and a DRIVER’s side mirror.
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America only pretends to be a first world nation.
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No? Not sure I am understanding your point, sorry!? I know this can happen with safety inspections, but people can choose to say ‘this one nut will hold it just fine’ where they can’t permanently do that here if they knew the car was going to be inspected in a few months - it has to be fixed or it won’t pass.
One lugnut is a bit of hyperbole, of course, but I know somebody in passing from work who has been driving around with two broken wheel studs and the 2 lugnuts thereon holding his front-right wheel on for a few months. Those two studs aren’t designed to hold the wheel on on their own forever under the stresses it sees in normal driving. If he were pulled over, he would be ticketed and fined but I can at least take solace in the fact he HAS to get it fixed in a few months when his inspection is due or his car will fail.
Yeah, it’s his car, he can do what he wants, but if it’s something that could potentially threaten OTHERS safety, then it’s an issue!
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:20 |
With everything that’s been going on down there in recent months, I sometimes wonder...no offense intended...
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I see you are putting that training certificate to good use.
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Why didn’t they cut a hole in the roof to get the attachment point over the axle? This is my only comment. Otherwise carry on and I am assuming that this particular genetic strain may be weeding itself out of the gen pool.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:30 |
I lived in NY for a decent chunk of my life, and now Colorado. CO doesn’t have inspections, NY does (or at least did when I lived there). When I went back this summer, the number of clapped out nasty looking vermin of 4 wheeled vehicles on the road in NY far exceeded what I see here. I get that appearances can be deceiving, but usually that can be a decent indicator of how the car was maintained as well.
And when I lived in NY, I can’t even begin to tell you how many people just “tipped” the local garage. Then in VA, I had an experience with a sham of an inspection place. Just because there are states where inspections are mandatory, it doesn’t mean it works.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:32 |
I know in Utah there is a real fear of loosing your license if you just accept tips or look the other way. It happens often enough [that people loose their license for emissions and inspections) that you don’t see a lot of it.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:38 |
To be fair, I lived in rural northern NY. I imagine it’s a bit less common in more populated areas where you aren’t necessary a buddy or family member of the mechanic. I imagine there, it’s the fear of the rip off.
It wouldn’t bother me in CO if there were safety inspections. I do wonder if there’s real validity to them, though. It seems to me if you’re the type of person to run on bald tires, bulbs burned out, and bad brakes, you’re probably willing to hunt down the shop that’ll pass you. You probably don’t have insurance, either.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:40 |
I think you are missing the 3rd type, which I would guess is the most populist - “I had NO IDEA my breaks were that bad! You mean I have to replace brakes?!”
![]() 08/28/2017 at 12:43 |
None taken. Having grown up here, and toured western Europe a few times, it’s shocking what passes as ok here.
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Haha, I definitely tipped the guy who did the inspection on my first car back when I lived in NYC. That was standard practice, especially in the Russian community.
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I totally forgot that safety inspections were a thing... here in Arizona we only have emissions testing once every two years, which is super easy to pass. No visual inspections or anything like that.
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We always drove to my dad’s friend’s house, and he gave us a sticker in exchange for $20.
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our emissions are really easy to pass too, same sort of deal.
08/28/2017 at 13:21 |
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Yay Alberta. We only require a safety inspection if the vehicle is older then 10 years, and you only do it once. No emissions testing at all.
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I bet there’s a nice dent or puncture in the outer skin to hold it in place to. It probably formed the instant they added the weight of the trailer.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 15:01 |
The other thing I find so strange about Utah is the lack of motorcycle helmet laws. It’s almost like they want to increase the number of organ donations or something. Yeah, a helmet won’t protect you in every case, but it does a lot better of a job of keeping your skull together than nothing at all.
Then again, if there’s nothing up there to lose in the first place...
![]() 08/28/2017 at 15:06 |
Thats my 2 cents. If you don’t think your head is worth protecting...you’re right.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 15:56 |
CO doesn’t do safety inspections
but emissions testings are crazy stringent.
I mean, that’s literally why I now have a third smart! :D Oh, you bought a gray market import? NO EMISSIONS TEST FOR YOU!
![]() 08/28/2017 at 16:00 |
If it were a pre-1976 Smart, you wouldn’t have to get it tested here. q=
Glad it worked out in your favor!
![]() 08/28/2017 at 16:08 |
I just had to drive a friend, who I would otherwise consider a very intelligent human being, to the motorcycle shop to buy a helmet. If I find out he doesn’t wear it, I’ll steal the key to his scooter.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 16:09 |
I have so many questions. I kind of want to meet this person, but the stupidity might be contagious.
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it does remind me that I need to replace my bike helmet that recently sacrificed itself to save me.
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just don’t shake his hand...thats how it begins.
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Right, just like cooties.
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Good job helmet!
![]() 08/28/2017 at 18:59 |
Oh you mean like California? Yeah, makes tons of sense.
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I’m so happy to not live in CA.
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My state doesn’t have safety inspections nor emissions inspections. However, you do require a road worthy certificate in order to transfer the registration from one owner to another. And the police can deem your vehicle unroadworthy on the spot.
In my state, you can not drive unsupervised by an adult or at night under any circumstances if you are under the age of 18. Even if you are fully licenced.
In the state over the river, annual inspection is required if a passenger vehicle is older than 3 years. Commercial vehicles like utes and trucks require annual inspection (even if not used for commercial purposes).
In the state over the river, any person over the age of 16 can drive unsupervised on a provisional licence or better. And they can drive at night (with no passengers).
Despite these differences...it is rather tricky to tell the crash statistics apart and neither state makes mention of vehicle roadworthiness.
![]() 08/28/2017 at 21:03 |
It wouldn’t be so bad if people who did live here would shut the fuck up about things they don’t like that won’t change. There are 49 other states and the rest of a planet for you to live on, no one is making you stay here!!!*
*I’m a smog tech so I get a lot of people bitching about things to me like it’s my fault and like I can change it.